Research Directions
- Mining and modeling of attributed networks
- Detecting opinion spam in online review sites
- Spam detection in online media
- Analysis of large-scale brain networks
- Finding and visualizing anomalies in temporal data
- Visualization of communities in massive graphs
- Anomaly detection in complex graphs
- Fraud detection in social security
- Vulnerability and resilience in large dynamic graphs
- Study and analysis of online question answering sites
- Behavioral analysis and prediction in online media
Funding and Projects
We are thankful to following funding agencies for their support to our research.
Ongoing projects of our group include:
- NSF CAREER 1452425
- NSF IIS 1408287
- PwC (Risk and Regulatory Services Innovation Center)
- Adobe (University Marketing Research Grant)
In the past, our research was also funded by:
- DARPA TC Project (Contract No. FA8650-15-C-7561)
- ARO Young Investigator Program (Contract No. W911NF-14-1-0029)
- PNC (Financial Services Innovation Center)
- ONR SBIR grant (Contract No. N00014-14-P-1155)
- Stony Brook University Office of Vice President for Research
- Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (NGAS)
- Facebook (faculty gift)